research project has as one of its objectives the following: “The
integration of semantic web knowledge tecnologies”, where the
ontology mentioned comes from the first works developed by Miguel
Angel Sicilia and Salvador Sanchez Alonso -
[Information Engineering Research Unit, Alcalá University] -and Jesús Soto
[Department of Artificial Intelligent, Pontifical University of
Salamanca - Madrid Campus]: “The engineering of a learning
object ontology that integrates design by contract and existing commonsense
ontologies, while being standards compliant.”.
The main objective of that repository prototype is that of demonstrating
several issues that can be considered as requisites:
I. How semantic metadata records can be stored.
II. How normative metadata statements (Sánchez-Alonso and
Sicilia, 2005) can be used inside such repositories.
III. How such approach extend the learning object selection functionality
of existing common learning object metadata repositories.
The rest of this section describes technical notes with relevant
information of the kind of repositories described, which rose from
the development of the SLOR prototype.
If you want know more about this project, please contact by email
at Jesús Soto.