The SLOR prototype has been specifically designed for the creation
and management of learning object metadata with integration and exchange
purposes. In order to maintain the consistency between the different
layers, the SLOR prototype uses the ontology described in (Soto, Sánchez-Alonso
and Sicilia). Functionalities are grouped in modules, following the
scalability design principle. Figure [6] depicts the main layers and
technologies of the prototype architecture, as an illustration of
a semantic-enabled learning object repository:
- The interface layer allows the access from different tools to
the SLOR functions. Thus a web interface can be connected to SLOR
over the HTTP protocol, and also author tools can connected through
web services protocols. Furthermore the layer interface will provide
a new set of interfaces thus enabling federation between different
- The model service layer provides transparent access to different
functionalities of the semantic learning object repository. The
SLOR interface defines a protocol of behaviour between this layer
and the actions of the user interface. This interface separates
the GUI from the SLOR services. The design principles of SLOR interface
are based in metadata actions, implemented in modules that enable
learning objects accessibility, interoperability, durability and
reusability. This interface receives requests from either the Web
interface or other agents using the SLOR ontology. These queries
are in turn routed to the appropriate module in the following layer.
The SLOR modules provide a scalable architecture to easily add new
functionalities. Herein, a modular scalable architecture for expanding
system functionalities through continued addition of modules is
proposed, with the aim of advancing towards a standard architecture
for SLOR. In order to include all the functionalities related to
the creation, deletion and updating of reusable learning objects,
a management module has been implemented.
- The SLOR kernel provides a middleware with basic functions for
operating the ontology model. Examples of functions provided by
this kernel are: getIndividuals (retrieves all the individuals of
a given class in the repository) or setMultipleProperty (inserts
all the objects in a list as the values of a multiple property of
an instance). In order to provide flexibility in the change of a
semantic web framework and evaluate the performance offered by these,
layer establishes a common interface to SLOR basic functions using
the abstract factory pattern.
- A Semantic Web Framework is used to handle at low-level the OWL
ontology model. The persistence of the underlying ontological model
is stored on a relational database system, using the built-in persistence
capabilities of the Semantic Web framework (such as Jena or Sesame).
-- figure 6 - SLOR architecture --