As all the definitions described in the previous section can fit
together, the recognition of such a diversity of conceptualizations,
and the taxonomization of all of them, could be the basis of a neutral
conceptual model. This new model would eventually provide the users
with a number of different functionalities, adapted to each particular
concept of learning object, and not necessarily restricted by only
one of them. The flexibility is dealt with as a key issue for guiding
the implementation. Based on a sound semantic model, defined by
an ontology schema engineered using the Web Ontology Language (OWL),
such a model would include all the definitions in McGreal’s
study, thus supporting different types of learning objects. In short,
the repository clients –final users, agents, and learning
management systems– could, among other functionalities, add,
retrieve, modify and search for learning objects regardless the
definition of learning object used by the learning object creator.
For example, client software using a LOM-based model would be able
to retrieve learning objects from such repositories, even though
the objects that fulfill the requirements of the client system were
stored by a different system that was using the SCORM definition
of learning object. From the different characterizations of learning
object by McGreal, an ontology has been created (SLOR owl-file).

-- figure 2--
If learning can be considered an Event, any term linked to the
representation of learning activities, or declared to have an educational
purpose in some way, may be considered a learning object for practical
purposes. In Figure 2, all the classes pre-fixed by “oc”
are classes in the original Opencyc knowledge base. Therefore, the
term learning is represented by the class oc_Learning, which represents
the definition of learning in OpenCyc. The abstract representation
from which all the terms in McGreal’s terminology derive is
defined as the LearningObject-Generic class. An instance of this
class may be anything used_in oc_Learning. The LearningObject-AsAnything
class encompasses the broad definition of every possible meanings
of learning object. The LearningObject-AsAnythingWithEducationalPurpose
class has been defined to represent objects for which some declaration
of their pedagogical purpose exists, while the class LearningObject-AsAnythingDigital
represents digital objects. These two latter characterizations are
combined in current specifications of learning technology. In addition,
as current learning object standards and specifications suggest,
an individual of the class LearningObject-AsAnythingDigital should
be linked to at least one LearningMetadataRecord, by stating that
the domain of the property hasAssociatedMetadataRecord is the class
LearningMetadataRecord. LearningMetadataRecord is a generic term
that can be used to derive specific terms supporting each particular
specification such as LOM_Record or SCORM_SCO_Manifest. Any specification-specific
learning object is, by its own nature, something with a declared
educational purpose, which is at least tacit in the standardized
schema. Figure 2 shows the relationships between all the terms,
as described.
In this figure, classes in the ontology are shown as solid-outline
rectangles, with several compartments separated by horizontal lines.
The name of the class is held in the top compartment. The rest of
the compartments hold both the properties of the class, and the
restrictions defined for it. Object properties are shown preceded
by a circled “o”, while restrictions are preceded by
a circled “R”. For example, the class LearningObject-Generic
is linked to the class oc_Learning by an arrow that represents the
object property used_in in the corresponding compartment of the
class. Note how the arrow is labeled with the name of the property,
used_in in this case. The figure also shows the hierarchical relationship
between the classes in the ontology. Classes representing more generic
concepts appear in the top part of the figure. The hierarchical
relationship is shown as a solid path from the more specific classes
(e.g. LOM_Record) to the more generic ones (e.g. LearningMetadataRecord),
with a hollow triangle at the end of the path where it meets the
generic class. Other links, like those labeled with the intersection
and the equivalence symbols, represent the kind of formal definition
for a class as stated in the ontology. The class LearningObject-AsAnythingDigital,
for example, is linked to an intersection symbol by an arrow labeled
with an equivalence symbol. This is to represent the fact that the
class LearningObject-AsAnythingDigital is defined as the class of
objects that are instances of two classes simultaneously. In this
particular example, instances of LearningObject-AsAnythingDigital
accomplish the properties in both the class oc_Learning and the
class LearningObjectAsAnything.
Some examples:
LearningObject-AsAnyThing: Books, notes, applets, web pages, a
paper with schemas, questionnaires, etc.
LearningObject-AsAnyThingDigital: web pages, applets, digital papers,
programs, e-books, etc.
LearningObject-AsAnyThingWithEducationalPurpose: books with educational
purpose, practices, exercises, questionnaires, etc.
LearningObject-LOM or LearningObject-SCORM_SCO: digital lessons
with educational purpose – Cisco Course, Moodle Course, ATutor
Course, etc. |